GIDP Annual Performance Review Policy

The Provost's Office has mandated that the Annual Performance and Post-Tenure Review Process must include consideration of Faculty participation in the Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs. Reviews shall encompass the areas of Teaching, Research and Service, as applicable. The following procedures for the review of Faculty Members participating in the GIDPs have been implemented. This process is designed to provide recognition of Faculty contributions to the GIDPs.

Procedures for GIDP Faculty Members with membership in a GIDP

  1. Faculty Members will receive their primary evaluation according to the procedures set forth by their home department or academic unit and in compliance with UHAP guidelines [3.10]. Evaluation in a GIDP shall be considered to be advisory to the primary review.
  2. Annual Performance Reviews of Faculty Members' contributions to the GIDP will be carried out according to individual GIDP Bylaws (as required by the Guidelines for Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs Section II.A-13).
  3. Faculty Members may submit an annual written statement outlining their involvement in the GIDP and noting the percentage of their total workload spent in GIDP activities. Each annual report should address the past three calendar years of the individual faculty member's activities in the GIDP [UHAP 3.10.05].
  4. The GIDP chair (and/or the GIDP executive committee) will provide written feedback on the Faculty Member's statement within 30 days. These comments will be forwarded to both the Faculty Member and the head of their primary department or academic unit for inclusion in her/his Annual Performance Review.
  5. Faculty Members may opt to appeal GIDP reviews by filing an appeal with the Faculty Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs who will examine the activity report and evaluation in consultation with the GIDP Advisory Council (GIDPAC) and will either reaffirm the evaluation or issue a revised evaluation.

Procedures for GIDP Chairs

  1. GIDP Chairs will receive their primary evaluation according to the procedures set forth by their tenure-home department or academic unit and in compliance with UHAP guidelines [3.10]. Evaluation in a GIDP shall be considered to be advisory to the primary review.
  2. Annual Performance Reviews of GIDP Chairs' contributions to the GIDP will be carried out according to individual GIDP Bylaws (as required by the Guidelines for Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs Section II.A-13).
  3. GIDP Chairs should submit a written statement to the Faculty Director outlining their involvement in the GIDP and noting the percentage of their total workload spent in GIDP activities. Each annual report should address the past three calendar years of the individual faculty member's activities in the GIDP [UHAP 3.10.05].
  4. After consulting with GIDPAC, the Faculty director will provide written feedback on the chair’s report within 30 days. These comments will be forwarded to both the GIDP Chair and the head of their primary department or academic unit for inclusion in her/his Annual Performance Review.
  5. In the event that the GIDP Chair is also the Head of their primary academic unit or department, the report will be sent to the appropriate College Dean.
  6. GIDP Chairs may opt to appeal GIDP reviews by filing an appeal with the Dean of the Graduate College who will examine the activity report and will either reaffirm the evaluation or issue a revised evaluation.

GIDP Promotion and Tenure/Continuing Status (P&T/CS) Review Policy

  1. There are no tenure-line/continuing status faculty with primary appointments in GIDPs*. However, faculty are provided with an evaluation of their interdisciplinary contributions by the Chair of the GIDP in consultation with an advisory committee. The policies governing these evaluations and committees are set by the Provost’s office.
  2. In the case that the Chair of a GIDP is the candidate for the P&T/CS, the Faculty Director shall serve the role of “chair” and write the evaluation (per point 4 of the above cited policy).

Revised and Approved by GIDPAC November 22, 2010

* Note that Faculty may hold tenure lines in identically or similarly named academic units, e.g. Faculty in the Neuroscience NRSC GIDP may have a tenure home in the Neuroscience department. P&T/CS is always evaluated in the academic unit/department and not in the GIDP.