Entomology & Insect Science
Established by the Arizona Board of Regents: MS, PhD 2009 (merged; formerly Insect Science PhD 1994)
The Program in Entomology and Insect Science (EIS) offers both MS and Ph.D. degrees that trains students in insect biology. Individually designed programs of study meet each student's interests and needs by combining a broad understanding of insects as organisms, with training in one or more specialized areas that include: ecology, evolution, neurobiology, biochemistry, physiology, and molecular biology. Faculty members in the EIS Program also belong to the Center for Insect Science; a multicampus organization made up of insect scientists throughout Arizona representing a wide variety of primary disciplines. The diverse life zones of southern Arizona, from deserts to mountains, offer numerous field sites and study systems. Field and laboratory facilities for research on agricultural pests are also available.
Program Contacts
Martha (Molly) Hunter, Ph.D.
Paula Nielsen
Program Coordinator
Program Address
Entomology & Insect Science GIDP
The University of Arizona
1145 E. 4 Street
Marley Building, Room 641F
P.O. Box 210107
Tucson, AZ 85719
Phone: (520) 621-0847
Judith X. Becerra
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Michael Bogan, Executive Committee (2022-2025)
School of Natural Resources and the Environment
Judith L. Bronstein, Executive Committee (2023-2026)
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Heidi Brown
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Judith K. Brown
Plant Sciences
Yves Carriere
Andrew Comrie
School of Geography and Development
Goggy Davidowitz
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Anna Dornhaus
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Peter Ellsworth
Kacey C. Ernst, Executive Committee (2024-2027)
Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Dawn Gouge
Wulfila Gronenberg
Charles Higgins
Electrical & Computer Engineering
John G. Hildebrand
Martha Hunter, Chair (2022-2027)
Michele Lanan
Xianchun Li
Keith Maggert
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Paulina Maldonado-Ruiz
Luciano Matzkin
Tristan McKnight
Wendy Moore, Executive Committee (2024-2027)
Lisa Nagy
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Alan Nighorn
John Palumbo
Daniel R. Papaj
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Michael Riehle, Executive Committee (2022-2025)
Todd Schlenke
Nicholas J.Strausfeld
Bruce Tabashnik
Natasha Tigreros
Kathleen Walker, Executive Committee (2023-2026)
J. Bruce Walsh
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Konrad Zinsmaier
Entomology & Insect Science Program Bylaws
Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs (GIDPs) report to the Vice President for Research, Graduate Studies and Economic Development through the Director of GIDPs.
The Graduate Interdisciplinary Program (GIDP) in Entomology and Insect Science offers the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. In the following Articles and Bylaws, operating procedures, and policies of the Program are outlined. This organization and structure must conform to the guidelines for GIDPs.
Article 1. Membership in the Graduate Program.
Membership in the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Entomology and Insect Science is open to faculty at the University of Arizona who are willing to make a commitment to the GIDP. This commitment should be expressed through participation in developing and maintaining the GIDP, teaching courses, serving as host faculty for first year laboratory rotations, and serving as Major Professor. Tenured or tenure-eligible faculty will hold regular memberships, and untenured or non-tenure-eligible faculty will hold associate memberships.
Criteria for membership are a commitment to interdisciplinary approaches as well as activity and excellence in research or extension as demonstrated by research funding, publication record and service as advisors to students. Members of the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program will be reviewed periodically by the Executive Committee to ensure that they continue to meet these standards.
Membership can be proposed by candidates themselves or through nomination by a current member of the Program. Consideration of candidacy is initiated by submission of curriculum vitae and a letter of commitment to the Executive Committee. If the Executive Committee votes to recommend membership, a request is then submitted to the Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs for approval and appointment. New members will present an introductory seminar to the insect science community at large.
The members of the Entomology and Insect Science GIDP will meet at least once a year to review the state of the program.
Article 2. Executive Committee (EC) and Chair of the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Entomology and Insect Science.
The GIDP in Entomology and Insect Science is administered by a Chair and an Executive Committee (EC), consisting of five to seven members. The Executive Committee will be made up of three faculty members with primary appointments in entomology and three faculty members with primary appointments elsewhere. The Chair is appointed for a renewable three-year term and EC members are appointed for renewable three-year terms. Both the Chair and the EC members will be chosen by vote by participating faculty that hold regular memberships. Nominations from participating faculty for both positions will be received by the EC. A faculty member may run for one or both positions. Fifty‑one percent of the members will constitute a quorum. Majority vote of those present at a meeting or 51% return of ballots will rule. The roster of elected members will be forwarded to the Director of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs for approval and appointment. The EC will also have 1 student member elected by the students to a renewable 1 year term.
A) The responsibilities of the Executive Committee are to:
- Devise and implement procedures to be followed in selecting and reviewing members of the Entomology and Insect Science GIDP;
- Devise and implement appropriate policies and procedures for the operation of the graduate program, such as admissions, curriculum, student supervision, completion of degree program requirements, and decisions regarding program resources;
- Appoint GIDP faculty members to serve on the GIDP’s two standing committees: the Graduate Student Admissions and Recruitment Committee (GS-ARC) and the Graduate Student Advisory and Progress Committee (GS-PAC) (see Article 3);
- Appoint other ad hoc committees as needed for effective operation;
- Act on recommendations of the GSAPC regarding academic counsel to new students and evaluations of students at various stages of progress through the Program;
- Prepare and submit annual reports of the Entomology and Insect Science program’s activities and accomplishments to the Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Program;
- Ensure that regular academic program reviews, consistent with the Board of Regents and USDA requirements, are carried out;
- Facilitate interaction and communication within the Program in Entomology and Insect Science and with supporting academic units heads and deans;
- Seek funding from appropriate University, State, Federal and private sources;
- Solicit nominations to vacated slot(s) on the Executive Committee to ensure continuity over time.
B) The responsibilities of the Chair of the Executive Committee (and of the GIDP).
- Administers the Program and activities of the EC with the assistance of the program coordinator of the GIDP;
- Convenes and chairs meetings of the EC;
- Acts on behalf of the EC and the GIDP to implement policies of the Program;
- Serves as representative of the Program to the University Administration, granting agencies, prospective students, etc.;
- Prepares and submits an annual report of activities and accomplishments of the Program according to University regulations.
The GIDP’s Program Coordinator works closely with the Chair of the EC as well as the students, faculty, EC and standing committees to ensure timely fulfillment of the policies of the UA and the Program in Entomology and Insect Science, as well as the flow of information among all concerned.
Article 3. Standing Committees of the Graduate Program.
In addition to the EC, two standing committees carry important responsibilities for the operation and welfare of the Program.
1. Graduate Student Admissions and Recruitment Committee (GS-ARC).
The GS-ARC is responsible for evaluating applications from prospective graduate students for admission to the Program, organizing the campus visits of finalists, recommending students to the EC for admission to the Program, and coordinating efforts to recruit admitted students. GS-ARC also advises the EC with respect to publicizing the Program.
2. Graduate Student Progress and Advisory Committee (GS-PAC). The committee will--
-advise all first-year students who have not identified an advisor, and solicit and evaluate progress reports from all students.
- include at least 3 members of the Program's faculty, one of whom serves as Chair. The Committee members and Chair are appointed for renewable 3-year terms by the EC.
- solicit and evaluate progress reports from all students monitoring the progress of all students through annual review of student progress reports and reports of individual advisory committees, making recommendations about student advancement, probation, or termination to the EC.
- advise the EC regarding Program policies and procedures as well as revisions of the Program Handbook. Student input will be encouraged.
Article 4. Amendments.
The bylaws shall be amended or revised by movement of the EC and a two-thirds positive vote by the regularmembership of the Program.