Cancer Biology

Cancer Biology GIDP

Cancer Biology

Established by the Arizona Board of Regents: PhD 1988

The Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program trains predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees for careers in cancer research through an interdisciplinary program that involves faculty from a wide range of disciplines at the University of Arizona.   The Program offers course work and research opportunities leading to a Ph.D. degree in Cancer Biology.  A major goal of this interdisciplinary program is to provide trainees with an exciting and stimulating academic environment that inspires innovative cancer research, provides a foundation of knowledge in the basic science disciplines related to cancer research, and exposure to the challenges faced by clinicians that treat cancer patients.   The curriculum introduces students to knowledge derived from research in the production, properties, and therapy of cancer and assures that students have the necessary background to become independent investigators. Program activities encourage the development of students’ critical thinking skills and their ability to communicate science findings orally and in publications.  Cancer Biology GIDP students are admitted through and supported by the Arizona Biological and Biomedical Sciences Program. After acceptance into the Cancer Biology GIDP, students are supported by funds derived from the Cancer Biology training grant, research grants and private donations to the Program.

Program Contacts

Cynthia Miranti, Ph.D.
Noel Warfel, Ph.D.
Vice Chair
Jorge Camarillo
Program Coordinator

Program Address

Cancer Biology GIDP
The University of Arizona
1515 N. Campbell Ave.
Arizona Cancer Center #2922
P.O. Box 245024
Tucson, AZ 85724
Phone:  (520) 626-7479
Fax:  (520) 626-4979

BIO5 Institute
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Nutritional Sciences Research
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Cancer Center Division
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Office of Arid Lands Studies
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Basic Medical Sciences-Phoenix
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Basic Medical Sciences-Phoenix
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Nutritional Sciences
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Chemistry & Biochemistry
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Cancer Center Division
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Nutritional Sciences
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Nutritional Sciences
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Nutritional Sciences
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Cancer Center Division
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Molecular & Cellular Biology
Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Pharmacology & Toxicology

Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program Bylaws


The Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program administers predoctoral training in the broad area of the study of the biology of cancer. The Cancer Biology Training Grant CA009213 is affiliated with this academic program. The program awards a Ph.D. degree in cancer biology.  The Executive Committee, which is appointed by and responsible to the Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs, serves as the executive, administrative and policy making board for the program.  The organization and structure of the Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program shall conform to the guidelines for Interdisciplinary Programs as set forward by the Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs.


The responsibilities of the Cancer Biology GIDP include the administration of the graduate program. It is also the responsibility of the program to ensure that the predoctoral students in the program receive research training in the highest quality and most productive research laboratories.  The program also has the responsibility to promote campus-wide interdisciplinary activities in the broad area of cancer biology through organized research seminars, retreats and journal clubs.


It is essential that the program carry out timely planning and review of the faculty, the research and training programs.  This is a function of the Executive Committee with the input of all of the members of the program.  In the following sections, the bylaws that govern the operating procedures and policies of the program are outlined.


Article I.  Executive Committee, Chairperson and Vice Chair of the Cancer Biology GIDP


The activities of the Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program are administered by the Executive Committee.  The Chairperson of this Executive Committee will also be Chair of the Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program.  The Executive Committee will report to the Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs and to the Dean of the Graduate College.


A   Chairperson of the Cancer Biology GIDP


Chairperson of the GIDP will be appointed by the Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs based on a candidate selected by a vote of the entire faculty of the Cancer Biology GIDP. Nominations for the Chair position will be accepted from any member of the Committee.


The Program Chair term is a renewable 5 year term; however, it is expected that the Chairperson will not resign within one year of the submission date for the competitive renewal of the Cancer Biology Training Grant.


The duties of the Chairperson of the GIDP are: a) call and preside at meetings of the Executive Committee to be held not less than twice a semester; b) call and preside at meetings of the entire Cancer Biology GIDP at least once per year and as needed; c) with the advice of the Executive Committee appoint and supervise the Standing Subcommittees on Graduate Recruiting and Admissions, Student Progress, Curriculum and Cancer Biology Seminar as detailed in Article II; d) manage administrative matters of the GIDP including course requirements and changes, and and e) serve as the Cancer Biology GIDP representative on GIDPAC.


B.  Vice Chair of the Cancer Biology GIDP


Vice Chair of the GIDP will be appointed by the Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs based on the recommendation of the Chairperson and approval of the Executive Committee.


The term of the Vice Chair is 5 years and is renewable.


The duties of the Vice Chair of the GIDP are to assist the Chairperson to oversee the day-to-day administrative and curricular affairs of the program and manage the fiscal oversight of the program, in consultation with the Executive Committee. Specific responsibilities of the Vice Chair are to: 1) monitor the recruitment of graduate students into the Arizona Biological and Biomedical Sciences program to ensure that the Cancer Biology GIDP is able to attract as many high quality students as needed by faculty in the program; 2) work with the University of Arizona’s Office and Instruction and Assessment and CBIO faculty to develop processes for measuring the extent to which the curriculum is achieving training goals; and 3) monitor CBIO students’ progress with respect to training milestones, including preparation and submission of an F31 grant application and publications.  


C.  Executive Committee


The Executive Committee will consist of eight faculty members and one graduate student.  Faculty members of the Executive Committee will serve a four-year term and the terms will be staggered so that two members of the Executive Committee can be replaced every year.  Members of the Executive Committee will be appointed by the Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs based on recommendations from the Executive Committee.  Faculty members of the Executive Committee may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms.  The graduate student representative will serve a one-year term and will be elected by the students in the graduate program. 


The Executive Committee is responsible for administering the graduate program.  The responsibilities of the Executive Committee include monitoring the progress of the students, securing and allocating the necessary funding for the training program, promotion of interdisciplinary awareness and interactions in terms of education and research related to the general field of cancer biology and advising the Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs, the Dean of the Graduate College and the Vice President for Research on issues pertinent to the Cancer Biology GIDP.



Article II.  Standing Subcommittees


  1. Admission Subcommittee  - The Cancer Biology GIDP is affiliated with the Arizona Biological and Biomedical Sciences Program for recruiting and admissions.  A faculty member will be selected by the Program Chair to represent Cancer Biology GIDP.  The CBIO GIDP ABBS representative will select CBIO faculty to serve on the application review committee.

The Chair of the program will determine the acceptance of students admitted directly into the program with faculty support.  This will be handled on a case by case basis and does not require ABBS review.


  1. The Student Progress Subcommittee will be appointed by the Chairperson of the Cancer Biology GIDP and shall consist of members who represent the various disciplines within the GIDP.  The Subcommittee will be responsible for the evaluation of Cancer Biology graduate students. The evaluation will consist of an individual development plan. The Subcommittee shall prepare a report on graduate student progress and submit the report to the Executive Committee by June 1 of each year.


  1. The Cancer Biology Seminar Series Subcommittee shall be appointed by the Chair of the Cancer Biology GIDP and shall consist of at least two members. The Subcommittee shall be responsible for soliciting the names of guest speakers from the membership and selecting the invited speakers. This Subcommittee will be responsible for coordinating the seminar and the visit of the guest speakers. Each member of the committee will be allowed to invite one speaker for each semester of the seminar series.


D. The Curriculum Subcommittee will be appointed by the Program Chair and Vice Chair and will consist of representatives from programs affiliated with the Cancer Biology GIDP and/or faculty members that have taught in CBIO courses. The Curriculum committee will convene at the request of the Program Chair. The Curriculum Committee will also review the University mandated assessment of the student outcomes and progress.



Article III.  Membership in the Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program


The Cancer Biology Graduate Interdisciplinary Program consists of tenured, tenure eligible, non-tenure eligible clinical and research series faculty at the University of Arizona who participate in research and education in the general area of cancer biology.


A.  Membership


1.  Criteria

a. Faculty shall be nominated for membership in the Cancer Biology GIDP by submitting a request for membership and curriculum vitae to the Executive Committee. The request for membership should include a statement of interest in participating in pre-and/or post-doctoral training in the general area of cancer biology. A two-thirds majority of positive votes of the Executive Committee shall be required for nomination to membership to the Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs who shall confer membership. Important criteria for membership shall include interest in pre-and or post-doctoral education, and/or demonstrated current scholastic activity in the general area of cancer biology.


b. A member of the Cancer Biology GIDP shall be asked to leave the program if they fail to participate in the activities of the program. Participation in the program includes service on a Subcommittee of the Cancer Biology GIDP, dissertation director for a graduate student in Cancer Biology Graduate Program, presenting a seminar in the Cancer Biology seminar series, teaching a graduate course in Cancer Biology or continued scholarly productivity in the general area of cancer biology. Membership in the Committee shall be subject to periodic review at intervals no greater than five years. If a member is found not to satisfy those criteria by a two-thirds majority of the Executive Committee, they will lose their membership.


c. Members dropped from membership may reapply for membership as outlined in Article III.


2.    Affiliate Membership

a.  Non-tenure-eligible faculty who otherwise meet the criteria for membership (Art. III, 2), may apply for affiliate membership in the Cancer Biology GIDP by submitting a request for membership and a curriculum vitae to the Executive Committee.  A two-thirds majority of positive votes of the Executive Committee shall be required for election to affiliate membership.

b.   Affiliate members shall have all the privileges and responsibilities of regular members (Art. III, 1.b.) except that they shall only serve as co-directors of graduate dissertation committees in conjunction with a regular member.


3. Responsibilities

a. Tenured and tenure eligible members of the Cancer Biology GIDP may serve as dissertation advisors for students in the Cancer Biology Graduate Program.  Non-tenure eligible faculty who want to supervise a graduate student will work with the CBIO GIDP program coordinator to submit the required forms to the Graduate College for permission to mentor a student in the Program. Students mentored by non-tenure eligible faculty must identify a tenure eligible Cancer Biology faculty member to act as co-mentor.


b. Members of the Cancer Biology GIDP shall serve when asked on the various Subcommittees of the Program.


c. Members shall be expected to provide financial support for graduate students in the program at a level determined by the Executive Committee.


d. Each member of the Cancer Biology GIDP shall have one vote on matters brought to the Committee by the Executive Committee. A quorum shall constitute one-third of the membership.


4. Promotion and Tenure

Faculty members should submit a written statement to the Cancer Biology GIDP outlining their involvement in the GIDP and noting the percentage of their total workload spent in GIDP activities.  This statement should cover the period from January 1 through December 31 of the previous year.  The GIDP will provide written feedback on the faculty member’s statement.  These comments will be forwarded to both the faculty member and the primary department head or academic unit.



Article IV Training Grant


The NCI Training Grant, formerly known as the Cancer Biology Training Grant, is now named the Integrative Cancer Scholars Training Program.  While the Cancer Biology GIDP and the training grant are closely aligned, the training grant is no longer administered by the Chair of the Cancer Biology GIDP


Article V Amendments


The By-laws shall be amended or revised by movement of the Executive Committee.