The Herbert E. Carter Travel Award Program was established in honor of Dr. Herbert E. Carter, founding director of the GIDPs and is representative of his spirit and passion for interdisciplinary scholarship and research in higher education. The award provides up to $600 per year to GIDP students at The University of Arizona for domestic or international travel. Competition for these funds was very high and we received many innovative abstracts. The applications and abstracts reviewed by the Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs Advisory Council (GIDPAC) from stellar GIDP students make a strong statement to the significance of interdisciplinary scholarship and research at The University of Arizona.
Winter 2011-2012 Recipients
Lindsay Kay Butler, Ph.D. Candidate, Cognitive Science minor GIDP
86th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Portland, OR
"The syntactic pervasiveness of classifiers: Evidence from Mayan"
Nhi Duong, Ph.D. Student, Entomology & Insect Science
Society of Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Conference, Charleston, South Carolina
"The effects of food availability on the workforce of a social insect: Response of worker production in bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) colonies when food availability is manipulated"
Nhi Duong and Goggy Davidowitz
Entomology & Insect Science at the University of Arizona
Haley Tuttle, M.A. Candidate, American Indian Studies GIDP
The Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI
“The Umóⁿhoⁿ Íye Language Media Research and Development Project”
Jelena Vukomanovic, Ph.D. Candidate, Arid Lands Resource Sciences GIDP
Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, NY
"Restricted viewsheds and the distribution of exurban homes in a southwestern grassland"
Jennifer M. Watson, Ph.D. Candidate, Biomedical Engineering GIDP
SPIE Photonics West 2012 Conference, San Francisco, CA
"Analysis of collagen structure changes in ovarian tumor development"
Jennifer M. Watson, Photini F. Rice, Samuel L. Marion (Univ. of Arizona); Molly Brewer (Neag Cancer Ctr.); John Davis, Urs Utzinger, Patricia B. Hoyer, Jennifer K. Barton (Univ. of Arizona)