The Herbert E. Carter Travel Award Program was established in honor of Dr. Herbert E. Carter, founding director of the GIDPs and is representative of his spirit and passion for interdisciplinary scholarship and research in higher education. The award provides up to $600 per year to GIDP students at The University of Arizona for domestic or international travel. Competition for these funds was very high and we received many innovative abstracts. The applications and abstracts reviewed by the Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs Advisory Council (GIDPAC) from stellar GIDP students make a strong statement to the significance of interdisciplinary scholarship and research at The University of Arizona.
Summer 2010 Recipients
Darren Haskett, PhD Student, Biomedical Engineering
2010 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Naples, FL
Ming Hua Huang, Ph.D. Candidate, Entomology & Insect Science GIDP
International Union for the Study of Social Insects Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark
"Functional significance of and genetic mechanisms underlying extreme worker size variation in Pheidole ants"
Ming Hua Huang1*, Else Fjerdingstad2, Diana Wheeler1
1 University of Arizona, Dept. of Entomology, Tucson, AZ 2 Queens College, Dept. of Biology, Flushing, NY
Joshua Martin, Ph.D. Student, Neuroscience GIDP
9th International Congress of Neurotheology, Salamanca, Spain
"A precise population code for attractive pheromone mixtures."
M'Balia Thomas, Ph.D. Student, Second Language Acquisition & Teaching GIDP
International Conference on Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM8), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"WORDS AS WEAPONS in US Presidential Campaigns: An examination of the political discourse surrounding would-be FIrst Ladies in US newspaper headlines."
Susan E. Tolwinski-Ward, Ph.D. Student, Applied Mathematics GIDP
11th International Meetings on Statistical Climatology, Edinburgh, Scotland
"Mechanistic modeling of proxy data for Bayesian climate reconstructions"
Susan E. Tolwinski-Ward, Michael N. Evans, Malcolm K. Hughes, and Kevin J. Anchukaitis
Hilary Wakefield, Ph.D. Candidate, Physiological Sciences GIDP
Towards Translational Research in Motoneurons, International Motoneuron Society, 7th Biennial Meeting, Paris, France
"Prenatal nicotine exposure influences intrinsic properties of neonatal hypoglossal motor neurons"
Hilary E. Wakefield, Jason Q. Pilarski, Richard B. Levine, Ralph F. Fregosi, Andrew J. Fuglevand, Departments of Physiology and Neuroscience, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA