Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory

Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory GIDP

Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory

Established by the Arizona Board of Regents: PhD minor 2017, Graduate Certificate 2019

The program in Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory offers an interdisciplinary curriculum committed to exploring theoretical currents that cut across the humanities, arts, social sciences, law, education, architecture, and the natural sciences. Both the Ph.D. minor and the graduate certificate (intended for graduate students in non-Ph.D. programs) train students in important twentieth-century theoretical traditions that have had an impact across multiple disciplines, such as postmodernism, phenomenology, postcolonial studies, historical materialism, cultural studies, critical legal studies, the Frankfurt School, psychoanalysis, race, gender, and queer theory.  They also encourage exploration of—and cultivate future contributors to—new movements and directions in social, cultural, and critical theory such as actor-network theory, affect theory, anthropocene studies, biopolitics, critical area studies, border theory, critical finance studies, critical science studies, mediated geographies, new materialisms, object-oriented ontology, posthumanism, post-secular theory, race critical theory, somatechnics, trans theory, and game studies, among others. 

Program Contacts

Lee Medovoi, Ph.D.
Stephanie Brown, Ph.D.
Vice Chair
Stephanie Mao
Program Coordinator

Program Address

Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory GIDP
The University of Arizona
1423 E. University Blvd.
Modern Languages Building, Rm. 545
PO Box 210067
Tucson, AZ 85721
Phone:  (520) 626-0529
Fax:  (520) 621-8367

Matthew Abraham

Abraham Acosta
Spanish and Portuguese

Damian Baca

Keiron Bailey
Educational Policy Studies and Practice

Jane Bambauer

Jeffrey Banister
Southwest Studies Center

Jacqueline Barrios
Public & Applied Humanities

Stefano Bloch
School of Geography & Development

Susan Briante

Carol Brochin
Teaching Learning & Sociocultural Studies

Catherine Brooks
School of Information

Stephanie Brown, Vice-Chair (2023-2026)

Kevin Byrne
School of Theatre Film & Television

Larry Busbea
Art History

Maritza Cardenas

Nolan Cabrera
Educational Policy Studies & Practice

Monica Casper
Gender & Women's Studies

Christopher Cokinos

Jonathan Jae-an Crisman
Public & Applied Humanities

Jennifer Croissant
Gender & Women's Studies

Cindy Cruz
Teaching and Teacher Education

Andrew Curley
School of Geography, Development & Environment

Rae Erin Dachille
Religious Studies and Classics

Vincent Del Casino
School of Geography & Development

Melissa Fitch
Spanish and Portuguese

Francisco Galarte
Gender & Women Studies

Andrea Gerlak
Geography and Development

Johsua Gleich
School of Theatre/Film and Television

Reid Gomez, Executive Committee (2024-2026)
Gender and Womens Studies

Lillian Gorman
Spanish and Portuguese

Stefanie Graeter, Executive Committee (2022-2025) 
Latin American Studies

Faith Harden
Spanish and Portuguese

Eva Hayward
Gender and Women Studies

Anita Huizar-Hernandez
Spanish & Portuguese

Paul Hurh

Paul Ivey
School of Art

Joela Jacobs
German Studies

John P. Jones III
Social and Behavioral Sciences

Mark Thomas Kear
School of Geography & Development

Ryan Kashanipour

Amy Kimme Hea

Marcia Klotz

Barbara Kosta
German Studies

Janelle Lamoreaux
School of Anthropology

Eunice Lee, Executive Committee (2022-2025)
College of Law

Jamie Lee
School of Information

Jasmine Linabary
Department of Public & Applied Humanities 

Zack Lischer-Katz
School of Information

Eithne Luibheid
Gender & Women's Studies

Chris Lukinbeal
School of Geography and Development

Maurice Magana
Mexican American Studies

Sallie Marston
Geography & Development

Farid Matuk

Reginald McGinnis
French and Italian

Janice McGregor
German Studies

Ellen McMahon
School of Art

Leerom Medovoi, Chair (2023-2026)

John Melillo, Executive Committee (2022-2025)

David M Mulcahy
School of Theatre/Film and Television

Matthew Mugmon
School of Music

Kaitlin Murphy, Executive Committee (2023-2026)
Spanish & Portuguese

Orhon Myadar
School of Geography and Development

Zachary Nicolazzo
Educational Policy Studies Practice

Leslye Amede Obiora
Law Instruction

Tracey Osborne
School of Geography and Development

Moira Ozias, Executive Committee (2023-2026)
Educational Policy Studies and Practice

Eric Plemons
School of Anthropology

Jennifer Post
School of Music

Tristan Reader
American Indian Studies

Hai Ren
East Asian Studies

Anna Reynolds Cooper
School of Theatre/Film and Television

Christopher Robertson

Clare Robinson

Judd Ruggill
Africana Studies

Lisa Schrenk
School of Architecture

Beverly Seckinger
School of Theatre, Film and Television

Scott Selisker

Marcos Serafim, Executive Committee (2024-2026)
School of Art

Brian Silverstein

William Simmons
Gender & Women's Studies

Johanna Skibsrud

Sandra Sota
Gender and Women's Studies

Max Strassfeld
Religious Studies & Classics

Daniel Sullivan

Melissa Tatum

Chantelle Warner
German Studies

Stacie Widdifield

Beth Weinstein, Executive Committee (2023-2026)
School of Architecture

Robert Williams

Ania Wroblewski
French and Italian

Lynda Zwinger

Social, Cultural, and Critical Theory Program Bylaws



approved at 4-12-17 Faculty Meeting


Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs (GIDPs) report to the Dean of the Graduate College through the Faculty Director of GIDPs.

The Graduate Interdisciplinary Program (GIDP) in Social, Cultural and Critical Theory offers a Ph.D. minor.  In the following Articles and Bylaws, operating procedures, and policies of the Program are outlined.  This organization and structure must conform to the guidelines for GIDPs.

Article 1. Membership in the Graduate Program.

Membership in the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Social, Cultural and Critical Theory is open to faculty at the University of Arizona who are willing to make a commitment to the GIDP.  This commitment should be expressed through participation in developing and maintaining the GIDP, teaching courses, or supporting the programming for the GIDP.  Both tenured or tenure-eligible faculty and untenured or non-tenure-eligible faculty may hold memberships.

Criteria for membership are a commitment to interdisciplinary approaches as well as activity and excellence in research or extension as demonstrated by research funding, publication record and service as advisors to students. Members of the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program will be reviewed periodically by the Executive Committee to ensure that they continue to meet these standards. 

Membership can be proposed by candidates themselves or through nomination by a current member of the Program.  Consideration of candidacy is initiated by submission of curriculum vitae and a letter of commitment to the Executive Committee.  If the Executive Committee votes to recommend membership, a request is then submitted to the Faculty Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs for approval and appointment.

The members of the Social, Cultural and Critical Theory GIDP will meet at least once a year to review the state of the program.

Article 2. Executive Committee (EC), Chair and Vice Chair of the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Social, Cultural and Critical Theory.

The GIDP in Social, Cultural and Critical Theory is administered by a ChairVice Chair and an Executive Committee (EC), consisting of at least six members.  The Executive Committee will be made up of faculty members from at least three colleges, ideally with members from all participating colleges.  The Chair and Vice Chair are appointed for a renewable three-year term and EC members are appointed for renewable three-year terms. The Chair, Vice Chair and the EC members will be chosen by vote by participating faculty that hold regular memberships.  Nominations from participating faculty for both positions will be received by the EC.  A faculty member may run for one or both positions.  Fifty-one percent of the members will constitute a quorum.  Majority vote of those present at a meeting or 51% return of ballots will rule.  The roster of elected members will be forwarded to the Director of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs for approval and appointment.  The EC will also have 1 student member elected by the students to a renewable 1 year term. 

A)  The responsibilities of the Executive Committee are to:

  1. Devise and implement procedures to be followed in selecting and reviewing members of the Social, Cultural and Critical Theory GIDP;
  2. Devise and implement appropriate policies and procedures for the operation of the graduate program, such as admissions, curriculum, student supervision, completion of degree program requirements, and decisions regarding program resources;
  3. Appoint ad hoc committees as needed for effective operation;
  4. Provide academic counsel to new students and evaluations of students at various stages of progress through the Program;
  5. Prepare and submit annual reports of the Social, Cultural and Critical Theory program’s activities and accomplishments to the Faculty Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs;
  6. Ensure that regular academic program reviews, consistent with the Board of Regents and USDA requirements, are carried out;
  7. Facilitate interaction and communication within the Program in Social, Cultural and Critical Theory and with supporting academic units heads and deans;
  8. Seek funding from appropriate University, State, Federal and private sources;
  9. Solicit nominations to vacated slot(s) on the Executive Committee to ensure continuity over time.
  10. Move consider and approve (by majority vote) all proposals to change the requirement for the minor


B) The responsibilities of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Executive Committee (and of the GIDP).

  1. Administer the Program and activities of the EC with the assistance of the program coordinator of the GIDP;
  2. Convene and chair meetings of the EC;
  3. Acts on behalf of the EC and the GIDP to implement policies of the Program;
  4. Serve as representative of the Program to the University Administration, granting agencies, prospective students, etc.;
  5. Prepare and submit an annual report of activities and accomplishments of the Program according to University regulations.

The GIDP’s Program Coordinator works closely with the Chair of the EC as well as the students, faculty, EC and standing committees to ensure timely fulfillment of the policies of the UA and the Program in Social, Cultural and Critical Theory as well as the flow of information among all concerned.

Article 3.  Amendments.

The bylaws shall be amended or revised by movement of the EC and a two-thirds positive vote by the regular membership of the Program.