College Teaching
Graduate Certificate, established 2022
The Certificate in College Teaching is for current and future teaching professionals in higher education. It provides knowledge and skills key for teaching effectively in college and adult learning settings. Coursework is characterized by an enriching collegial atmosphere where learning about learner-centered theories and instructional strategies will guide your development as a reflective and effective professional educator. Courses include Learner-Centered Teaching, Using Technology in Teaching, and College Teaching Practice, along with three credits of electives. This 10-unit graduate program can be completed in a minimum of two semesters and maximum of four years.
Program Contacts
Lisa Elfring, Chair
Erin Galyen
Program Coordinator
Mascha Nicola Gemein
Program Coordinator
Program Address
College Teaching
The University of Arizona
PO Box 210070
Building: MP Integrated Learning Center (#70)
Room #: 103B
Tucson, AZ 85721
Phone (520) 621-7788
Lisa Elfring, Chair
Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology
Erin Galyen, Executive Committee (2022-2025)
Teaching and Teacher Education
Mascha Gemein, Executive Committee (2022-2025)
American Indian Studies
Gretchen Gibbs, Executive Committee (2022-2025)
History of Art
Aimee Mapes
Language, Literacy, and Culture
Emily Jo Schwaller, Executive Committee (2022-2025)
Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English
Spencer Willis, Executive Committee (2022-2025)
Behavioral Health Promotion and Education
Kristin Winet, Executive Committee (2022-2025)
Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English
The University of Arizona College Teaching GIDP Bylaws
The College Teaching GIDP provides graduate education in and professional preparation on learner-centered teaching and reflective and evidence-based teaching practice. The College Teaching GIDP involves faculty members from several colleges at the University of Arizona who share a common interest in the education of graduate students interested in learning more about evidence-based college teaching. Furthermore, the program will provide students with the necessary foundation to be competitive for academic hires. The GIDP will offer a graduate Certificate in College Teaching (CCT).
The graduate Certificate in College Teaching will provide the critical foundation needed for students to become reflective instructors who utilize learner-centered teaching practices.
It is the responsibility of the College Teaching GIDP to provide a graduate educational program in learner-centered teaching and reflective and evidence-based teaching practice, to publicize the program, and to maintain graduate participants of the highest quality. It is also the responsibility of the program to advise participating students about securing teaching opportunities at the University of Arizona that allow them to demonstrate learner-centered practice.
The following sections outline the bylaws that govern policies and operating procedures.
Article I. Organization and Governance
I.1: Governing Bodies and Organizational Structure
a. The College Teaching program is subject to all the rules, policies and regulations of the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR), University of Arizona Policy, GIDPAC policy and Graduate College Policy.
b. The structure and organization of the College Teaching GIDP shall conform to the Guidelines for Interdisciplinary Programs established at http://gidp.arizona.edu.
c. The graduate certificate will provide core courses with content that aligns with identified learning outcomes of the CCT.
d. The program is aligned with UArizona Graduate Certificate program guidelines.
I.2: Executive Committee and Administrative Structure
a. The College Teaching GIDP shall be governed by an Executive Committee (EC) that consists of 3-5 members elected from general faculty affiliated with the program. The Executive Committee is responsible for nominating or receiving nominations for new members of the Executive Committee and will vote on these nominations. Members of the Executive Committee will be elected from members/Faculty of the College Teaching GIDP. Each Executive Committee member will serve a three-year term. Each of these terms can be renewed by vote of the Executive Committee and approved by the Faculty Director of the Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs. The Executive Committee designates and assigns program-coordination duties, including student advising, course scheduling and course assignments.
I.3: Sub-Committees
a. The Executive Committee will sanction the establishment of Standing and Ad-hoc Subcommittees as needed for the administration of the Program as defined in Article I, subsection 1.
1.4: Election of the Chairperson
a. The Dean of the Graduate College, through the Faculty Director of the Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs, will appoint a member of the Executive Committee, nominated with the input from the Executive Committee, to serve as Chairperson of the College Teaching GIDP. Appointment of the Chairperson requires a two-thirds positive vote by the Executive Committee. A quorum shall constitute one-third of the Executive Committee members. The Chairperson will serve a three-year term with the possibility of re-election.
Article II. Duties of the Chairperson of the College Teaching GIDP
II.1: The duties of the Chairperson of the College Teaching GIDP
a. The Chairperson of the Executive Committee will also be Chair of the College Teaching GIDP. The Chair of the College Teaching GIDP, with the advice of the Executive Committee and with the input of the faculty members, is granted those powers and responsibilities necessary for a well-functioning program.
b. Administer the Program and activities of the EC with the assistance of the program coordinator of the GIDP.
c. Convene and chair meetings of the EC, not less than once per semester.
d. Act on behalf of the EC and the GIDP to implement policies of the Program;
e. Serve as the representative of the Program to the University Administration, granting agencies, prospective students, etc.
f. Prepare and submit an annual report of activities and accomplishments of the Program according to University regulations.
g. Administer of the operating budget of the GIDP with the assistance of the program business manager.
h. Appoint sub-committees, such as curriculum, admissions, resources, activities etc., as necessary
i. Prepare Annual Performance Reviews for faculty that request them.
j. Prepare and evaluate documentation of GIDP participation for faculty undergoing P&T/CS review.
Article III. Duties of the Executive Committee and Advisory Board
III.1: Duties of the Executive Committee
a. Devise and implement procedures to be followed in selecting and reviewing members of the College Teaching GIDP.
b. Devise and implement appropriate policies and procedures for the operation of the graduate program, such as admissions, curriculum, student supervision, completion of degree program requirements, and decisions regarding program resources.
c. Serve on sub-committees as needed for effective operation.
d. Assist in providing academic counsel to new students and evaluations of students at various stages of progress through the Program.
e. Assist the Program Chair in the preparation of annual reports of the College Teaching program’s activities and accomplishments to the Faculty Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs.
f. Facilitate interaction and communication within the Program and with supporting academic units’ heads and deans and the GIDP Faculty Director.
g. Formulate the annual budget and seek funding from appropriate University, State, Federal and private sources.
h. Solicit nominations to vacated slot(s) on the Executive Committee to ensure continuity over time.
I. Move, consider, and approve (by majority vote) all proposals to change the requirements of the Program.
III.2: Duties of the Advisory Board
a. Advise the Program Chair and EC about issues of curriculum, community needs and new issues and innovations in the academic sector.
b. Advocate for the program to campus and community partners
c. Advise students with regard to employment and career planning
d. Assist the program in fund-raising, budgeting and other financing
Article IV. Membership
IV.1: Membership
a. Membership in the College Teaching GIDP consists of faculty members in any type of appointment at the University of Arizona who participate in graduate education.
IV.2: Criteria for Membership
a. Criteria for membership include commitment to teaching at least one College Teaching core course or elective within the past three years, demonstrated practice of evidence-based teaching and/or scholarship in teaching and learning, and willingness to attend membership meetings and serve on subcommittees in the GIDP. Members of the College Teaching GIDP shall be invited to meet annually and as needed.
b. Membership can be proposed by candidates themselves or through nomination by a current member of the Program. Faculty and teaching staff will submit a request for membership and a recent curriculum vita to the Executive Committee. A two-thirds majority of positive votes of the Executive Committee shall be required for nomination to membership to the Faculty Director of Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs, who shall confer membership.
c. Membership shall be subject to periodic review by the Executive Committee to ensure that they meet the criteria as decided by a two-thirds majority of the Executive Committee. Persistent failure to satisfy those criteria shall result in loss of membership. Members dropped from membership may reapply for membership.
e. Members of the College Teaching GIDP, if deemed eligible by the Graduate College, may serve on thesis, comprehensive-exam, and dissertation committees.
IV.4 Voting
a. Each faculty member of the College Teaching GIDP shall have one vote on matters brought to the Program by the Executive Committee. A quorum shall constitute one-third of the faculty membership. Failing a quorum, a mail/email vote shall be required.
Article V. Amendments
- These Bylaws will be reviewed and amended as needed by majority vote of the Executive Committee and approved by a two-thirds vote of the College Teaching faculty. A quorum shall constitute one-third of the College Teaching faculty.