Raphael and Jolene Gruener Research Travel Award
The Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs (GIDP) started the Raphael and Jolene Gruener Research Travel Award in 2011. The Grueners have been tireless supporters of interdisciplinary research and education at the University of Arizona. They are also well known for their love of travel. The Gruener Research Travel Award will support awards that fund student research travel, bringing together these two passions of the Grueners.
The award is intended to offset some of the costs associated with international or domestic travel expenses such as airfare, and meals. This is a meritorious award and will be granted on the competitive and innovative content of the statement submitted with the application. Awards are contingent upon the availability of funds. Students are eligible to receive a total of $1,000 per award year. Students may submit only one application per award year during the open application session.
Examples of appropriate use of these funds include travel to field sites for off-campus data gathering and visits to conduct research in laboratories, libraries or archives at other institutions. This grant does not fund travel to conferences or academic meetings nor travel simply to meet with researchers or participate in research for which the student is not a primary researcher, principal investigator or co-principal investigator.

Raphael and Jolene Gruener
Eligibility and Restrictions
To be eligible for a Gruener Research Travel Award, you must:
- Be enrolled in a Graduate Interdisciplinary Program (major or minor) at the time the application is filed and if selected as a recipient, during the one-year period following official notice.
- Be in good standing and have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA
- Be the primary researcher, principal investigator, or co-principal investigator in the research being performed
The Gruener Research Travel Award will be processed in accordance with all University of Arizona policies.
Application Instructions
- Complete and submit the application form which includes uploading a 1-2 page statement of purpose. This statement should explain the research question(s) to be investigated, why the travel is critical to answering these questions. Please also comment on how the travel will impact your research career. Travel dates should take place within a one-year period following official notice.
- You must log in with your UA Net ID to complete the application the form.
- When you submit your application, your research advisor will receive a request for a letter of support that explains why the travel is necessary and is directly connected to your dissertation or thesis research; this letter will also confirm that you are the primary researcher, principal investigator, or co-principal investigator.
Application Open
February 1, 2025
Application Deadline
March 15, 2025
Post Travel Requirements
Submit the following to gidp@arizona.edu within two weeks of your return from your trip:
- A one- to two-paragraph summary of your experience in MS Word .doc or .docx format.
- A digital photo of yourself
- Optional: vertical and horizontal videos of your conference experience
Your summary and photo will be placed on the GIDP website.