Gregory Chism Conference Summary
Gregory Chism
Ph.D. Candidate
Entomology & Insect Sciences
Advances in Complex Systems - From Ecology to Economics - Lake Como School of Advanced Studies
Como, Italy
July 26-29, 2019
Advances in Complex Systems - From Ecology to Economics - Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, was a unique conference experience. I was the only attendant to explore social behavior in the entire meeting. This conference had experts from fields ranging from economics, community ecology, cancer research, and theoretical physics, all towards the exploration of complex systems (addressed as a sum of the parts). I was advanced to give a talk as a recipient of a fellowship through the Complex Systems Society (CSS), one of two recipients. This opportunity allowed me to represent the University of Arizona Entomology and Insect Science GIDP alongside world experts in their respective fields - a true honor. I deeply thank the Carter travel award for this opportunity.
Last updated 19 Feb 2020